5th Grade Shadow Mountain Registration POSTPONED

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Shadow Mountain is a Nebo District sponsored camp for 5th grade students and runs May 28 thru July 1. The cost of the camp is $100 which covers all costs. More information and media is available on the webpage at shadowmountain.nebo.edu. To register, go to shadowmountain.nebo.edu. Click the registration page tab and the appropriate button. The password to enter the Eventbrite system is ShadowMt2020.

Hansen's Heroes

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Shout out to this week's group of Hansen's Heroes! They all deserve a milkshake and a huge round of applause for being so amazing! 

National School Breakfast Week

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

What a fun week here at Sage Creek not only was it Dr. Seuss week, but it was also National School Breakfast Week, and our amazing lunch ladies did not dissappoint! They work hard everyday to bring healthy breakfasts to the students at Sage Creek with a smile on their faces. This week they made meal time even more special for our students. There were prizes being passed out and coloring pages to work on. One very special prize was a bike! A huge shout out to those amazing ladies! 

Dr. Seuss Week at Sage Creek

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

What a fantastic week it is going to be here at Sage Creek with Dr. Seuss week. Remember to bring your reading stars by Tuesday of this week, and don't forget about all of the fun dress up days for the rest of the week!

Tuesday: (Fox in Socks) Wear crazy or silly socks

Wednesday: (Wacky Wednesday) Wear clothes mismatched, inside out, or backwards

Thursday: (Cat in the Hat) Wear favorite hat

Friday: (Oh, the Places You'll Go) Wear your favorite college shirt


March Newsletter

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Lots of information to help busy families stay afloat at school!  This newsletter will stay as a top story for a quick, easy find throughout the month.  Don't forget to LIKE us on Facebook and FOLLOW us on Twitter!

March Newsletter

Sage Creek Great Candy Drop (and Pie in Teacher's Faces!)

Submitted by alison.hansen on

On Fri (Feb 28), our studentbody will be celebrated for their hard work raising money for our PTA!  The PTA supports our school in hundreds of direct and indirect ways making enriching each student's life at Sage Creek.  A fundraiser was held earlier in the month raising funds for our PTA and to help make it more exciting, each milestone that was made earned extra fun prizes for out students to participate in.  These prizes included extra recess, throwing pies in teacher's faces, classroom slushy parties, and the grand prize of all ... one of our PTA dads, who is a pilot, using his plane to throw candy out the window of his plane as he flies by the play field.  We're looking forward to some fun on Friday afternoon!  Many thanks for our PTA for supporting our school, your children.  

Enjoy Math?... Here's a Great Way to Learn More!

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

 The department of Mathematics at BYU is offering courses for students who love math! These courses are advanced for students who thrive in math, or just simply love it. They will explore, solve difficult problems, and have fun doing it! If you are interested in signing your child up click the link below. 

