After-School Robotics

Submitted by alison.hansen on

After-School Robotics Registration Form

Sage Creek is offering after-school robotics for interested 4th-6th graders.  Classes will be held on Friday afternoons beginning Jan 20 and lasting thru March 24 and is for both beginning students and advanced students (those that have previously taken robotics).  Please return attached registration forms by Tues, Jan 17, along with class payment ($60) to reserve your spot.  

SEP Conference Sign-Ups (select "read more" to view all sign-up schedules)

Submitted by alison.hansen on
Traditional K-3rd gr Classes:

Traditional 4th-6th gr Classes:

Chinese Classes (all grades):


Please click on the appropriate link above to sign up for a time for our January SEP Conferences.  Conferences will be held primarily on Thurs, Jan 12, with a few additional slots available on the Wed previous as noted. (Hint:  the system will make you feel like you need to set up an account, but you do not need to - however, you will want to if you would like an email reminder of your time and/or if you anticipate needing to ever change your time.)

Ms. Tippetts Receives Award

Submitted by alison.hansen on

A hearty shout-out and congratulations to Ms. Pam Tippetts, the recent recipient of the Horace Mann Crystal Apple Award.  Ms. Tippetts has taught 26 years, all at Sage Creek School.  She has had experience in all grades, but has taught primarily 5th and 6th grades during her career.  Ms. Tippetts currently fulfills the role of school facilitator which means she does a little bit of almost everything!  Her primary role is the school mentor and has worked with and developed many excellent teachers who are either at our school or have moved on to other schools in the district (and beyond).  Pam  is an extremely hard worker and is very organized - she is methodical in her planning and execution of any responsibility and/or project she is a part of.  Many staff members have leaned on Pam for support and guidance and esteem her as a gem of knowledge and expertise. Ms. Tippetts is a master teacher and has touched the lives of many in the Sage Creek community.  Well done, Pam! 

Ms. Lisa Shuring Receives Award

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Sage Creek would like to congratulate Ms. Lisa Schuring who recently received the prestigious Nebo District PEAK Award handed out by the Nebo District School Board.  Ms. Shuring is our ESL technician and works tireless hours to make sure students who are not native English speakers have access to their education.  From providing tutoring services to translation services, Ms. Shuring is very devoted to the children she serves and their families.  Ms. Shuring also is a member of the board of Books for a Better World, a non-profit organization that donates books to schools in remote, underserved populations in third-world countries.  Ms. Shuring is an integral member of our staff and a wonderful representation of what we are all about at Sage Creek.  Congratulations on such well-deserved recognition!

Sage Creek Orchestra and Bell Choirs Perform

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

The Sage Creek Orchestra  performed Chrismas songs they had learned for the school today. The students have learned a ton and did a fantastic job.  Thanks for teaching them Mr. Hansen. Students also enjoyed the bell choirs. They amaze us each year with their performance thanks to Ms. Scott for all time you put in teaching all the students and teachers.

THANK YOU to Allstate Insurance!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

A huge shout-out and THANK YOU to Allstate Insurance who recently donated $1000 to our school.  Allstate has an "X the Text" campaign which encourages drivers to stay safe while driving by not texting at the wheel.  Sage Creek received these funds in conjunction with this campaign.  These proceeds will go towards helping our school in multiple areas and we are extremely grateful for such generosity!