4th-6th gr Students Learn Coding

Submitted by alison.hansen on

4th, 5th, and 6th grade students learn the basics of computer coding at the hands of software engineers from Inside Sales.  Employees from Inside Sales will spend each Friday afternoon from the end of September to the middle of January with our students.  In these pictures, instructors are demonstrating the necessity of logical, orderly step-by-step directions, the first rule of coding.

PTA Reflections - due Oct 6

Submitted by alison.hansen on


Reflections is a program that encourages students from all grades and abilities to be creative. This year's theme is "What is your Story?" The work submitted is considered by judges in six categories:  Dance Choreography, Film Production, Literature, Music Composition, Photography, and Visual Arts.  Students may enter one in each category.  The Deadline for SAGE CREEK ELEMENTARY is Thursday October 6, 2016.  For rules and entry forms visit www.utahpta.org/reflections.  Please encourage your budding artists, writers, photographers, dancers, film makers, and composers to participate!For questions please contact Amanda Allen artcityimage [at] gmail.com (artcityimage[at]gmail[dot]com)


Math Buddies

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sixth grade students help second grade practice skip counting by playing hop scotch at Sage Creek. See more pics on our Facebook page.

Box Tops for Education

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Please keep sending in your box tops - every one counts and they really add up!  This summer, we were able to fund a portion of the kindergarten playground with box tops.  You can always cut them off items you purchase and send them into class - our PTA hosts fun classroom competitions.  Also, there  is an app where you scan in your box top - then  you can send them in and count them double!  Click the attached flyer for adding the app to your smartphone.

Box Top App Directions

3rd grade celebrates Constitution Day

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Students in Mrs. Greenburg's 3rd gr class spent time on Sept 19 discussing America and the freedoms it provides.  Sept 17 is Constitution Day were students throughout the state discuss the importance of our country's Constitution.  Mrs. Greenburg led the students in a discussion of what living in America means to them.  "It was a powerful conversation for me and the students," says Mrs. Greenburg.  "I couldn't be  more proud of the students' maturity and understanding of what it means to be an American."  Way to go third graders!