4th gr Garden

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Fourth grade  students from Ms. Sheila Robbins' class plant herbs and veggies in our school's front garden.  The  entire front garden at our school is dedicated to plants that grow in Utah.  Fourth grade spends a lot of time focusing on our Utah heritage - what a fun way to learn what grows in Utah!  Pictured here are students from Ms. Robbins class working in the garden.

Sage Creek 6th Builds Rockets

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sixth graders designed and lauched rockets with a goal to launch a  rocket farther Mr. Bowden and Ms. Scott.  They discovered there is more to building rockets than they think. Time will tell if math and science skills will translate to their rocket engineering skills.

Open House

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Please join us for our Open  House!  Mon, Aug 22,  1:00-3:15 pm.  

Meet your teacher and see your classroom.

Please click here for more information.