Dragon March Madness

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Dragon March Madness a 3 on 3 basketball tournament wrapped up at Sage Creek Elementary crowning four teams as champions of their division. The tournament took place during lunch time allowing thirty five teams to participate in at least three games over the past month. Congratulations to the winning teams! More pictures can be found on our facebook page. 

Student Led SEP Conferences

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Student's in the fifth grade at Sage Creek Elementary had the opportunity to show their parents just how smart they are. For SEP confernces the student's and parents went to the computer lab where the students performed a variety of tasks as their parent observed. The tasks covered math, language arts, and science that had been taught throughout the year.

Dragon March Madness

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creeks 3 on 3 basketball tournament has started for the fifth and sixth grades. This year there are thirty five teams entered with boy and girl divisions. All teams play during lunch and the games are officiated by student's. More pictures are on our face book page.

Sage Creek Crystal Apple awarded to Lisa Hales

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

I have said it before and I will say it again, “Lisa Hales is simply one of the best special 
education teachers that I have ever seen!.”  Go into Lisa’s classroom and you will find the same 
high expectations as in a regular education classroom. Students are on task- which is no easy 
job- because those tasks differ or are differentiated for each student. Lisa is positive, upbeat, 
encouraging- as she holds firm. I have been in special education classrooms where the 
environment was negative where students act like they have given up on learning-students are 
disengaged-- but in Lisa’s class – she gets them to work- the students are excited because they 
know they are learning! Her students love her- they love being in her class- they love helping 
each other- there is a family feel.  Lisa takes students who struggle and gives them a chance to 
succeed. Sage Creek shines because of all of our teachers- but we cannot shine without bringing 
up our special education kids- and with Lisa’s help- they truly are all of our students- and all of 
them are moving up!

Brenda Burr