Sage Creek Principal experiences bed of nails.

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Mrs. Burr principal of Sage Creek Elementary had the opportunity to lay on a bed of nails as another bed was laid on top of her and a center block was crushed on the top bed. Oak Ridge Science Demo Team brought many other fantastic experiments with them but the pricipal on nails was the highlight. Many other pictures are on our facebook page.

Weatherman Visits Sage Creek

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Dan Gunthrie weatherman for KSL came to visit the Fourth grade classes on Wednesday, November 12, 2014.  Mr. Guthrie taught us more about the importance of weather.  We found out that Utah has an average of 2 tornados a year.  We also learned that somewhere in the middle of your house is the best place to be during a tornado.  We want to send out a big thank you to KSL and Dan Guthrie!Image removed.

Shelia Robbins

Ice Skating

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creek 5th grade had a great morning ice skating. Students earned the opportunity to go skating for passing off multiplication facts.