Ginny Lund of Sage Creek Recieves Crystal Apple

Submitted by anthony.bowden on


Ginny is always thinking of her students first. She stays late at school just to make specific plans
for specific students and is always willing to brainstorm with us for better ways to help individual
students. She does this because she really loves her kids. Ginny teaches with her heart and her
whole class feels it.

She has been extremely helpful for me in helping adapt to this new environment (for
me) and as such has been a great example.

I love Ginny's love for the arts, especially music and how she impacts

her students lives through her love of music. Also, she is one of the

most dedicated people I know. She is constantly here after hours and on

weekends making sure she has given every effort for her children to be


Ginny Lund is a dedicated teacher who individualizes each lesson for every student.

She spends countless hours at the school, including every weekend, designing

lessons that will reach every individual.

Ginny truly cares about her students. Just recently, she decided to create an activity

that would motivate her students to learn their skip counting. She is working

individually with each student and then rewarding him or her with an ice cream party.

This year, Ginny had the challenge of teaching a student who had never been in an

elementary school before. This child didn’t know how to write his name, know his

ABC’s, and especially didn’t know how to read. Ginny has done amazing things in

two months time. This student is able to read, write and recognize numbers. He is

even talking in English.

Ginny has been a great team member to work with. At collaboration, she is sharing

her best practices of how she teaches the curriculum. She is always very willing to

share her materials, and has a positive attitude.

I enjoy working with Ginny. I consider her a great friend.

Pamela Tippetts

Chinese New Year at Sage Creek

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creek celebrated the Year of the Snake as we welcomed in the Chinese New Year. Students participated in the traditional dragon dance. Each student received a traditional luck red envelope with a special note inside and a luck new penny to take home. 

Image removed.

14,671 Box Tops

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creek Elementary students brought in 14,671 box tops. Thanks goes out to all students, parents, and friends who collected box tops. Gold Medal goes to Mrs. Graves' 4th grade class bringing in 1,593 box tops.  Silver Medal goes to Mrs. Hemmert's 5th grade class bringing in 1,534 box tops. Bonze Medal goes to Mrs. Welch's 5th grade class bringing in 1,483 box tops.

Miracles do Happen

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Kyler Pope,  a special needs student with cerebral palsy at Sage Creek Preschool, was told he might never walk. His parents shared Kyler's story at a school assembly.. Today, he proved the doctors wrong. Kyler  walked! He told the students, " I can do hard things, and so can you!"

Gold Medal Dragons

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creek Gold Medal Dragons January 18, 2012 Gold Medal Dragons are student's who work hard, make good choices, be kind to others, and do their best. Keep up the good work Draqons!