2nd Grade teachers Shine

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On November 9th, Sage Creek Elementary second grade teachers, Mrs. Brown, Mrs. Lund, Mrs. Greenwood, Mrs. Ellis and Ms. Sayers, were invited to the Nebo School Board of Education meeting to present the exemplary way in which they are integrating the fine arts curriculum into academic subjects throughout the day.  They explained to the board that initially they had  gone through their existing curriculum map and highlighted what they were already doing in the fine arts areas.  Since that time and have then been using collaboration to continue adding more aspects of music, movement, drama, ad drawing to other areas of their academic curriculum.. They showed several video vignettes of students using different fine arts methods in various lessons and talked about how they have seen the process of incorporating these elements into their lesson enhance student learning.  Second grade teachers at Sage Creek Elementary shine!

4th Grade Buffs Up

Submitted by diana.guinn on

Fourth graders at Sage Creek Elementary were convinced to “Buff Don’t Puff!” on Wednesday, November 9th, when two athletes from Brigham Young University came and talked to them about the consequences of smoking. The students learned that when you smoke it makes it harder for you to breath, do your best in sports, and be the very best that you can be.  They got to watch a video that Jimmer Fredette and his fiancé Whitney narrated.  Other BYU Athletes were highlighted in the video.  4th graders all decided to say no to smoking so that not 92% but 100% of Utah’s students will not smoke

2011 Halloween Parade

Submitted by diana.guinn on

"They're creepy and they're kooky, mysterious and spooky, and they're all together ooky,  Their school is a museum, where people come to see 'em. They really are a scream.  So with a witches shawl on and a broomstick they could crawl on, tons of people came to call on The [Sage Creek] Family." Oh. what fun was had at the Sage Creek Halloween Parade.

2011 Reflection​s Winners

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This year the PTA reflections contest was centered on the theme; Diversity Means".  Sage Creek Elementary had ninety-eight participants ant the winners are:  Dance Choreography  Winner:  Charity Anderson; Film   Honorable Mention:  Dylan Thomas, Payton Giles, Austin Mortenson, Will Daybell;  Music  Elizabeth Blonquist; Photography  Winners:  Brooke Ells, Sydnie Nilsson, Gracie Hinckley, Emily Ells   Honorable Mention:  Kyle Synder, Parker
Jackman;  3D Art    Winners:  Chase Harmon, Taggart Boyce, Chelby Carter, Erika Downs, Madison Child   Honorable Mention:  Cameron Green,
Elizabeth Kurban, Haley Green; Literature   Alex Garcia, Ella Kurban, Kilee Prows, Jaedyn Garcia, Taitum Johnson;  Visual Arts   Ella Kurban, Tanner Mayer, Zachery Jones, Hailey Rollins   Honorable Mention  Abbie Folkman, Taylor Penrod,Jemma Hansen, Jaedyn Garcia.   The teachers whose classes had the most entrants were Mrs. Shaffer/ Ms Chen and Mrs. Foote/ Mrs. Durfee.  Congratulations students! We are proud of your efforts and success! Special thanks to the volunteers who took the time to judge these creative student projects.

Look a likes

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Dakota Meyer, a fifth grade student at Sage Creek Elementary, dressed up as Ms. Call, principal, for the Halloween festivities.  Most in attendance thought he actually made a better Ms. Call than she did!  (Even Ms. Call)  Halloween sure does bring out the best in people.....right??

Kindergart​en Halloween Program

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Sage Creek kindergarten students strutted their stuff in their Halloween costumes and scary voices during the annual Kindergarten Halloween Program.  Mrs.Thomas, Mrs. Porter and Mrs. Tanner are proud to show off their their little ghosts and goblins to parents and Sage Creek students during this busy time of year.  Great job kindergarten!

Principals Learning Science

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Last week forty-eight principals from around the state came to watch Sage Creek's fabulous teach science.  Sage Creek teachers who were involved in the PESTL project were asked to present a science lesson to these principals as part of training they were receiving in preparation for including their own teachers in this program. PESTL is a partnership of five districts to improve science teaching and learning  and is funded by a US Department of Education grant. Participating teachers at Sage Creek spent part of each summer for three years receiving training and materials toward increasing profieciency in teaching and learning science in the classroom.  Mrs. Anteres, Mrs. Robbins, Ms. Hall, and Mrs. Giles were those who volunteered to be observed and the visiting principals were wowed by their expertise. Sage Creek teachers rock!

Second Grade to the Pumpkin Patch

Submitted by diana.guinn on

On Wednesday, October 26th, the Second Grade students from Sage Creek Elementary visited Mrs. Huffaker's Pumpkin Patch.  She has been growing most of the pumpkins for 6 months!  Students brought their pumpkins back to the school and will decorate them during our Harvest Celebration on Halloween Day. After the celebration students will use their pumpkins and their seeds to help them learn core topics such as: compare/contrast, patterns, life cycles, and place value . . . How many seeds are in YOUR pumpkin?

Sage Creek - Fourth Grade Harvest

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Fourth graders in Mrs. Robbins'  class had an up close and personal harvest this fall!  They reaped over 100 radishes that they had planted at the beginning of the school year with the first graders.  These same students have also harvested lettuce and are crossing their fingers that it doesn't freeze so they are able to harvest the peas that they planted.  They enjoyed eating the lettuce, and also shared their radishes with their first grade reading buddies.  Their conclusion was-  "It tastes better if you grow it yourself!"

Halloween Play

Submitted by diana.guinn on

Sage Creek Elementary's media specialist, Marsha Rasmussen, is goblin deep in having students perform their first play of the year in the Sage Creek Library! The Halloween play is "We're Off To Find The Witch's House" by Mr. Krieb. This cute picture is of part of Ms. Sayers second grade class.