Third Grade Prairie Days

Submitted by diana.guinn on

Yehaw! As part of the Utah State third grade core curriculum in social studies, and under the direction of teachers, Mrs. Foote, Mrs. Reber, Mr. Curtis, Mrs. Egbert and Miss Le, the Sage Creek third grade put on their pioneer costumes and held school as a "prairie day". Students went back in time and recited their multiplication tables by rote, did their math on slates with chalk,and had a hoedown. They also "went to town" and had picked up their lunches to eat in the prairie classroom. They got a drink at the "creek" and used the "outhouse" when necessary. They had a spelling bee and read a pioneer story, "Three Names" by Patricia MacLachlan. At recess they played marbles, jacks, and hopscotch. They ended the day by writing in their diaries about the experience. The teachers were strict and never smiled. For some it was the "worst" day of their lives, but most thought it was good to see how school was back in 1872!

Chime Choir at Sage Creek

Submitted by diana.guinn on

Janeen Scott, a fifth grade teacher at Sage Creek Elementary and long time member of the Tabernacle Bell Choir, has worked tirelessly throughout the year to start a chime choir at the school. After writing grant proposals to One Hundred Percent For Kids, The Nebo Foundation, and the Springville Arts Commission she was awarded $2,100 in grant monies, to help fund her project. In combination with these grants and two private donations, Sage Creek Elementary now has four octaves of hand chimes and amazing sheet music for chimes. Ms. Scott is excited to get the chime choir started as well as training the faculty to use the chimes in their own classrooms. Thanks to Ms. Scott for her perseverance and dedication in bringing this musical contribution to the students of Sage Creek School that will be enjoyed for years to come.

Sage Creek Penny Wars

Submitted by diana.guinn on

Under the direction of student council advisors Janeen Scott and Becky Davis, the Sage Creek Student Council declared a penny war to benefit those in our area who are suffering from blood cancers. Shortly after the fund raiser began, the devestaing earthquake in Hati occured and Sage Creek students immediently wanted to help. The student body elected to have half of the money generated from the penny war to the Leukemia and Lymphoma Society Foundation and half of what was raised to the organization Healing Hands for Hati. Over a three week period the students at Sage Creek raised over $1800, and on Wednesday checks for $940 each were presented to each charity. Ms. Katie Walthers from Healing Hands for Hati was there in person to accept the check, to describe the conditions of Hati and how the money would be used for the people there. Congratulations and many thanks to the students at Sage Creek who have shown by example how building a worldwide community begins.

Second Grade Dental Health

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On Thursday, February 4th, the second grade students at Sage Creek Elementary were treated to a visit from Red Rock Orthodontics for Dental Heath month. We learned about taking care of our teeth and how important it is to brush twice a day! They told us that age 7 is a good time for your first orthodontic visit.

Danny the Dinosaur taught us how it is important to brush your teeth in tiny circles and always eat food that will help your teeth grow strong. We learned most of our teeth are hidden and there are different kinds of teeth for eating different kinds of food. Teeth can last for millions of years and you can tell what people eat by looking at their teeth!

At the close of their presentation, all of the second graders were ‘treated’ to a goody bag full of fun and useful things to help keep our teeth healthy and clean. Thank you, Red Rock Orthodontics, for an awesome visit!

Science Rocks at Sage Creek

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Science Rocks at Sage Creek!

Nearly three hundred Sage Creek students in grades four through six participated in the school level science fair in preparation to go forward to the district and region competitions.

The science fair gives students an opportunity to synthesize several learning skills into one project. Using reading and writing skills to research a topic all students are encouraged to participate by asking a question, developing a hypothesis, conducting an experiment and coming up with a conclusion. They use math skills to take measurements, calculate averages and create graphs. They then write about and display this process through pictures and narratives on a science board to be viewed by fellow students and judged by independent judges. They use communication skills to talk to judges, teachers and fellow students about what they have learned. Students also develop critical thinking skills as they create experiments that are scientifically sound and synthesize what they’ve leaned.

While waiting to be judged students were also able to participate in a variety of science activities put together by the PTA. These activities included; fingerprint classification, baking soda/vinegar interaction, science word games, and after imaging- just to name a few. Eight winners from fifth and twelve from sixth grade will compete in the Nebo District Science Fair. Winners from this level will continue on to the Central Utah Science and Engineering Fair held at BYU, with opportunities to advance even further.

Volunteers are desperately needed to help organize the fair for future years. People are needed to ore supplies, publicize the fair and recruit other volunteers. If you would like to help organize, judge, or have other skills that would help with the Science Fair, please Contact Sonia Bartholomew (soniabartholomew [at], 491-7449), or Sheila Robbins (sheila.robbins [at], 489-2860)

A huge thanks to the contagious enthusiasm and many long hours and sleepless nights of PTA volunteer, Mrs. Bartholomew, and fourth grade teacher, Mrs. Robbins. They along with the hard work of many volunteers, teachers, parents and students, the 2010 Sage Creek Science Fair was a huge success

Sage Creek Scientists!

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The followng fifth and sixth graders were winners at the Sage Creek Science Fair that took place February 2-4. They are: Lisa Calhoun, Josh Anderson, Beau Barker, Daniel Salazar & Alex Osborn, Devin Chamberlain & Adam Warren, Jotham Draper, Jonathan Houtz & Kimball Hooper, Joshual Davies, Sydney Hickman, Bailey Witney Christian Jensen, Katelyn Bingham, Rebecca Houtz, Abigal Jackman, Savannah Walker & Tessa Burns, Allison Ells, Ireland Thomas, Spencer Taylor, Kendra Molen, and Dallin Jones. These students will continue on to district level Science Fair at Diamond Fork Jr. High in Spanish Fork on February 24th. Congratulations Sage Creek Scientists!

January Determined Dragons

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At Sage Creek Elementary, classes are taught weekly the following Character Education skills: how to show appreciation, accept responsibility, and make good choices. These students have been chosen to be the Determined Dragons for the month of January because they have made our school a better place by using their Character Education skills. They are:
Jeslyn Betts, Jessica Brooks, Chloe Burns, Karlee Clark, Brenda Espino, Robert Espino, Swazie Evans, Chandler Graves, Kallie Graves, Ashley Hansen, Ana Hoopes, Jaymon Jordan, Presley Kennard, Johby Meyer, Trace Molen, Montserrat Morales, Brayan Oliva, Cassandra Orozco, Jocelyn Salazar, Emma Scott, Kayla Squire, Alyssa Thomas

Second Grade Pizza

Submitted by diana.guinn on
On Wednesday, January 27th, the second grade students at Sage Creek Elementary were treated to a visit from Domino’s Pizza as part of their social studies ‘goods and services’ unit. Becky, a member of the hard working Domino's Pizza team, is totally committed to excellence and serious about having fun. Becky demonstrated this as she tossed two combined balls of pizza dough into the air, creating one of the largest pizzas we have ever seen! We also found out that her favorite pizza topping is pineapple!

The students learned how all of their dough starts out in Denver, Co., before making its way to the stores across the world. We also found out that a “spoodle” is the tool used to both scoop and spread the sauce onto the dough. Three of the second grade teachers were given the chance to roll out their own ball of dough and then try their hand at throwing it up into the air to stretch it out. We think you better just stick to teaching, teachers!
  Becky taught us how Domino’s Pizza began nearly 50 years ago as one small pizza shop in Ypsilanti, Michigan. The two brothers that started the company originally thought to put one dot on the domino logo for each store they opened. Soon, however, they found out all of their dots would no longer fit . . . they had too many stores! Today, they have about 8,700 store locations worldwide.

At the close of their presentation, all of the second graders were treated to a hot slice of this world famous pizza. Thank you, Domino’s Pizza, for an awesome and tasty visit!

Chinese New Year

Submitted by diana.guinn on

Throughout the month of January Sage Creek students have been sampling the Chinese Culture in the media center. At the same time, Sage Creek administration, teachers and parents have been gathering information about the possibility of beginning a Chinese Duel Immersion language program in the first grade next year Mrs. Rasmussen, Librarian, took time to find and display clothing samples, pictures of food and landscapes in addition to reading stories about and celebrating the Chinese New Year with the traditional silk dragon. Students always have fun learning in our library!! Thanks Mrs. Rasmussen!

Liberty Story

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Donations made by the Sage Creek PTA made it possible for the students and visitors to the school to experience and enjoy the Liberty's Story wall display. This professional display beautifully tells the story of how America gained her independence through historical documents, pictures, articles, and narratives in a numbered sequence. Teachers also have grade level materials that tie this story into each grade level's social studies core curriculum. Thanks to the efforts of current PTA Presidents, Heidi Johansen and Tori Eaton, past president Amber Painter, president elect Diana Harmon, secretary Lindsay Anderson, and the fund-raising profits provided by the family and friends of Sage Creek students, this arresting wall of art and literature will be a lasting reminder to all of the significance of our nations history and the route it took to provide us with the rights and freedoms we enjoy today. Thank you PTA!