Student Council

Submitted by shavon.mousser on

The Sage Creek Student Council has been busy serving our students and learning about leadership.  Each week, council members deliver “Sage the Dragon” to our classroom Spirit Day winners.  They deliver the trophy and sing the school song to the class.  The student council also attended the UAESP Student Council Conference in October, where they learned leadership skills from amazing local leaders.

Shavon Mousser

Happy Halloween!

Submitted by shavon.mousser on

Have a happy and SAFE Halloween!  Visit our Instagram (SageCreekElementary) to see video from the Halloween Parade.

Shavon Mousser

Kindergarten Shadow Show

Submitted by shavon.mousser on

The kindergarten students have been working HARD on learning the songs for the Shadow Show and also creating their unique shadow puppets. The 3rd and 5th grade Kindergarten Buddies helped cut-out the puppets each student designed.  Today, the kindergartners performed for the school and their parents!

Shavon Mousser

Reflections, Stand 4 Kindness and "Go Dog, Go" Assemblies

Submitted by shavon.mousser on

Congratulations to our PTA Reflection Winners!  Students were honored at an assembly yesterday!

We also enjoyed hearing from Ryan Stream,  a motivational speaker, musician, soldier, and Delta High School football coach.  He does anything and everything he possibly can to make a difference in the world.  His message for our students today was to Stand For Kindness, which goes with our theme of Sage Creek S.T.R.O.N.G.

Our K-3 students also enjoyed BYU Young Company's presentation of "Go Dog, Go" last week.  This play was based on P. D. Eastman's classic children's book, honoring it's 60th anniversary.



Shavon Mousser

Book Fair

Submitted by shavon.mousser on

The Scholastic Book Fair has been SO MUCH FUN!  We'd like to thank our PTA for a great week filled with BOOKS, donuts, scavenger hunts, and a family night (tomorrow night)!  Our PTA is the BEST!

Shavon Mousser