Dress Up Days

Submitted by jane.orton on

Sage Creek will celebrate Read Across America Day March 1-March 4. The student council has come up with some fun dress up days for us.

Tuesday: Cat in the Hat (wear strips/hat)

Wednesday: Fox in Socks (wear silly socks)

Thursday: Green Eggs and Ham (wear green)

Friday: 1 fish, 2 fish, red fish, blue fish (wear red/blue)

Latinos in Action

Submitted by michael.johnson on

The Latinos in Action Club, under the direction of Miriam Garcia,  come every other week to work with our students on literacy and math skills.  It's wonderful to see our Springville High students give time to help our Sage Creek students.

Michael Johnson

5th Grade Science Fair

Submitted by jane.orton on

Sage Creek had an awesome Science & Engineering Fair on Monday!  Students in 5th grade all performed an experiment and displayed their results for all to see.  Several students progressed on to the district fair. Way to go Sage Creek Dragons!