Green Man Group

Submitted by jane.orton on

As part of our fundraising reward, we were able to have the Green Man Group come and preform for our school. They incorporated our school theme (Bucket Fillers) and got the students involved playing the drums. The whole school had a blast, and I think we have some future drummers at Sage Creek!

5th Grade Hall of History

Submitted by jane.orton on

Over the last few weeks, students in 5th grade researched historic Americans, took notes, wrote and memorized scripts, and created posters for the wax museum. Students also performed patriotic songs for their parents. They did a fantastic job!

Veterans Day

Submitted by jane.orton on

Happy Veterans Day! The whole school was able to come together this morning to remember our veterans with a flag raising ceremony. We also had the privilege to hear a poem about Veterans and a musical number from our 5th graders. Over the course of the last few days, students were able to bring in pictures of Veterans from their families. They were hung in the 1st grade hallway so everyone could enjoy them. 


Submitted by jane.orton on

BYU Young Company visited Sage Creek and performed Luna for the 2nd-5th graders. Luna is a story about the "hope for tomorrow because of the big steps we’re willing to make today. Soledad takes risks to find friendship and believe in her dreams, even if it complicates her life. And taking risks doesn’t always mean success, because Soledad didn’t always succeed - but taking risks does mean that you’ll grow to be the sort of person that can succeed, can find your friends, and can reach the moon."

Thank you BYU Young Company for an awesome performance!