May Newsletter

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Welcome to May!  Such a different "May" than we've ever had before!  However, lots of things are happening.  Please read this month's newsletter to keep up on school events as we wrap up this year.

May Newsletter

5 Students Participate in State Writing Contest - in Chinese!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Five of our 5th gr dual immersion students put their energy to good use during this time of school closure and entered a state-wide writing contest ... in Chinese!  The theme was "Chinese Take-Out" and students could write about any experience where they used their Chinese outside of a classroom setting.  So impressive!!

Kahliel Exon's shared a story about how he spoke Chinese with a lady from Shanghai where he met in Zion's park!  Hannah Gardner shared a story about last Springville Cultural Festival ,their family hosted a man from Taiwan,and he taught her a traditional music instrument named "Er Hu''and "Hu Lusi".  Carter Nilsson shared a story about he was trying to start a conversation with Chinese people where his family met in a cookie store In DisneyLand.  Izek Anderson shared a story about how he has been taught some religious words from the a religious book by the mother of the exchange student who lived in their house.  Hailee Lacy hasn't got a real chance to speak Chinese with native speakers, but she does want to share that studying Chinese is very useful and she wants to study more to be a teacher in the future and travel to China later, here is her story.

PTA Teacher Appreciation Video - From Our Amazing PTA!!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

To the INCREDIBLE Sage Creek Community!

We could have never hoped you would come through like you did with photos and videos for our Sage Creek Staff!  We apologize if some of your videos or pictures didn't make it in! We tried so hard to include everything we got, but it's inevitable we missed something. Please forgive us!
As I personally was putting it together, it was hard to hold back my own tears of gratitude as I saw you express yours!
From the bottom of my heart - Thank you!
Your Sage Creek PTA :)

Do you have personal items at school?

Submitted by alison.hansen on

We anticipate Governor Herbert's "Stay Home, Stay Safe" directive to be relaxed enough after May 1 to invite you to school to retrieve any personal items you or your children may want.  If you desire us to bag up your child's belongings, please fill out the following survey this week.  This same survey will be posted in each of our teacher's virtual classrooms this week and on our school website and social media sites.  Those items not bagged up will be disposed of so we can begin our deep summer cleaning process.  The survey is due Fri, May 1.

 Parents may come to school for their child's belongings Mon or Tues, May 4 or 5, from 9 am - 12 pm The procedure will go as follows - you will pull your car up to the curb, a school employee will greet you at the curb to get your student's names and will retrieve the items for you and bring them to your car.  You will not get out of your car  ... it's curbside service!  Think of it like drop-off/pick-up, that's what we envision it looking like.   We have been cleaning and disinfecting the school and are significantly liming people in our building to adhere to safe and healthy guidelines.  

Please complete this survey if you have and/or want your child's personal belongings from school (fill out one for each child):

Bookworm Bingo Award - check out these excellent readers!!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

To receive this award, students must read multiple books from various genres - it is an admirable accomplishment and we are proud of these students (... and teacher!)!!  These ladies not only earned a bingo, they earned an entire blackout!  Recipients earn a gift basket from the school and lots of well-earned praise.  Congratulations!

PTA White Ribbon Week

Submitted by alison.hansen on

In the Spring, at Sage Creek, we celebrate White Ribbon Week, sponsored by the PTA.  This week is full of lessons and fun activities to help students be smart and safe on the internet. Because of the cancellation of school for the rest of the year we were not able to hold White Ribbon Week. Now, more than ever, it is important for students to learn how to be safe on the internet because they are on it for school. Utah NetSmartz is a program that educates students about digital safety and they have provided great videos for our school to access ... for free! You can access the videos at There are three separate videos broken down by grade level. We hope these videos help you and your families stay safe online.

PTA Teacher Appreciation Week - Quarantine Style!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

In the midst of this new experience of online schooling put together by our wonderful teachers and staff, we want to make sure we have the chance to say THANK YOU! Since we can't do it in person, the PTA would love to put together a Video of your children saying Thanks!

Here's what to do:
  • Take pictures or videos of your kids holding signs or cards of appreciation directed towards the staff as a whole (not individual teachers please).
    • Images or videos of children doing homeschooling would also be great!
    • Make sure videos are no longer than 10 sec.
  • Send them in!
    • email them to pta [at] (pta[at]sagecreekpta[dot]org) or
    • text them to 801-376-5644 or
    • send a Marco Polo to that same number!
    • Submit images/videos ASAP (no later than Sunday, April 26th)
The video will be shared with the teachers during Teacher Appreciation Week (April 27-May 1) Stay tuned for more information about Teacher Appreciation Week as we get closer!
We look forward to getting your submissions! As always, please feel free to contact us with any questions at the contact info listed above.