Bookworm Bingo

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

To encourage students to read more varied materials we are having the Bookworm Bingo challenge again this year.  As they complete a book they can fill out the book report sheet (very short and simple), turn it into Mrs. Fullmer or Mrs. Taylor, and they will get a stamp on their bookworm sheet.  When they complete a Bingo they will receive a small award and be allowed to choose a book that makes them happy to put on the bulletin board outside the library with their name.  If they achieve a blackout bingo by the end of the school year they will be recognized at the closing assembly and receive a fun summer activity bag of goodies.  If you have any questions please feel free to contact Mrs. Fullmer or Mrs. Taylor in the library.  Happy Reading!!

Parent Night

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Parents Nebo School District is having a free parent education night on Sept. 16th 7:00 pm at Salem Hills High School. See flyer for more details. 

Sage Creek PTA - A Great Place To Be Involved!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

We sure love and appreciate our PTA!  They are great support to both our teachers and parents.  Please check out the PTA tab on our school website often - you can stay updated with PTA newsletters and purchase school spirit shirts (students are encouraged to wear school spirit gear on Fri's).   All are welcome to join - your membership alone shows support and you can end there or you can be as involved as you would like - we welcome with open arms anybody who wants to help and be a part of things!

Twas' the Friday Before School Started!

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Twas' the Friday before school started and all through the halls

The teachers were rushing to put things on their walls.

The cubbies were labeled, pencils were new

Students were hoping to just make it through.

In just a few hours the students would appear

The teachers awaited, excited for the new year

Welcome Back students we are glad you are here! 

Community Council - Are You Interested? We'd Love You To Be!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Looking for Parent Members for the 2019-20 school year!  Five open parent spots.  Please email Ms. Hansen (alison.hansen [at] (alison[dot]hansen[at]nebo[dot]edu)) or let the front office know you're interested by Aug 31.  We'd LOVE to have you!!  Meetings are held once a month and advise administration and staff on various topics as well as provide stewardship over Trust Lands funds.