Teacher Appreciation Week - Apr 23 thru Apr 27

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Teacher Appreciation Week - coming up Apr 23-27.  We have fantastic teachers & staff here at Sage Creek and it's nice to take a week to spoil them a little.  We appreciate our PTA for heading this up!  Please see the attached flyer to which specifies some fun activities each day.  Of course, these are just suggestions.  Our teachers appreciate anything at all!

Aquarium visits 4th grade

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

The entire 4th grade experienced the opportunity of learning about the many animals that live in Utah and their habitats, from two very special, young ladies from the Loveland Living Planet Aquarium. The students and their teachers even had the chance to hold some mighty cute, little critters!

"Kaught" in Kindness

Submitted by makenna.taylor on
Mrs. Bingham has started "Kaught" in Kindness, and it belongs to students and faculty members who go out of their way to do something nice for another member of our school.

A special congratulations to the following dragons who were "Kaught" in Kindness.

*Miguel Piceno helped picked up spilled supplies even though they didn't belong to him.

* Mr. Stuart for refereeing during the 5th and 6th grade March Madness.

* Spencer for helping other students around the room who didn't understand. 

Ms. Murdoch, 6th gr teacher - A Published Author!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

A hearty congratulations to Ms. Murdoch for her recent publication.  While a student at Brigham Young University, she pursued research with Dr. Tim Morrison.  Her area of study was in literacy development in children.  An research project she spent significant time with dealing with textual demands on young readers was recently published in an influential journal.  Congratulations, Ms. Murdoch!



Kindergarten has a Magic Treehouse!

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Mrs. Mousser's class has designed and created their very own Magic Treehouse. They decided to make their very own treehouse when they fell in love with the adventures contained in the book series "The Magic Treehouse". They have been dramatizing scenes from the stories. Going to magical lands and having adventures of their own.

Alice in Wonderland... And that's a wrap

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Wow! These groups of students have worked so hard to make the play Alice in Wonderland a success, and I think they have done it! two different casts 2 different times to perform, and they blew it out of the water. Students at Sage Creek had the opportunity to see Alice in Wonderland on Wednesday. Thursday night was the night that parents and loved ones we able to see their blossoming actors and actresses take the stage. A huge shout out to Mr. Wright for making this play possible. Countless play practices, costumes to make, sleepless nights to make sure everything was perfect for these young students. Great job students, Hollywood is waiting for all of you!

Buddies Easter Egg Hunt

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Mrs. Taylor's 3rd grade classes and Mrs. Orton's Kindergarten classes have the privelege of being buddies. This week was so much fun when they worked together to go on an Easter Egg Scavenger Hunt. They had to solve riddles to take them to different places, and they had to work as a team to stay together.