3rd grade has a blast at BYU Planetarium & Bean Museum

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Today was a great day to be a 3rd grader at Sage Creek! All of 3rd grade was able to go to BYU Planitarium where they learned about the stars, moon, planets, and comets. Afterwards they walked across campus to the Bean Museum. They learned lots of interesting facts about animals, and several other things. They ended it by an incredible show about ecosystems, and they got to see a real life lizard, frog and turtle.

Student Council Conference

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

A group of 6th graders from our Student Council got to attend a conference at BYU. They learned about positive leadership, setting a good example, and making our school a better place for everyone! They also got to participate in some team building activities. The students can't wait to put what they learned into action. 

Internet Safety

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Today at Sage Creek we had a great assembly learning how important it is to stay safe on the internet. Please continue to share this message with your loved ones.

Hansen's Heroes

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

They've done it again! Sage Creek elementary students show their community how to be awesome students; by recieving this weeks Hansen's Heroes award.

PTA Reflections

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Great Job to all of the participants of the 2017 Reflections competition! Sage Creek had over 150 applicants that showed how creative they are and that anything is "Within Reach". From visual art, dance, music, literature, filming, photography Sage Creek students showed what true creativity looks like!

STEM at Sage Creek

Submitted by makenna.taylor on

Mrs. Taylor's 3rd grade class built towers for pumpkins. They used basic scientific laws the students are learning to build the highest towers they could!