SEP Conf's Coming Up Mar 16 - select READ MORE to sign up!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Please join us for our last SEP Confernces of the year!  SEP Conferences, or Student Education Planning Conferences (Parent/Teacher Conferences) are wonderful opportunities to share your child's progress and plan goals to wrap up the year successfully.  Please click on the appropriate link below to sign up.  Click READ MORE to see sign-ups.

K-3rd Traditional:

4th-6th Traditional:

Chinese All Grades:

Teacher Spotlight as Sage Creek

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Louise Crook is a 4th grade teacher at Sage Creek Elementary and has been teaching for 7 years.  She graduated from UVU and SUU.  Her favorite subject to teach is Math and Reading.  When asked about a memorable teaching moment she recalls her very first field trip as a teacher the bus ran into a light post and the bus was a total loss.  Louise loves to travel, go 4 wheeling and support and cheer her children on in sports and cheerleading.  Louise is a pleasure to teach with and we are happy she is with us at Sage Creek Elementary.


Dr. Seuss Day - Read Across America!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

We had a wonderful celebration of Dr. Seuss at school!  March 2 is Dr. Seuss' birthday and in honor of him, we celebrate his quirky characters and lively story lines.  Most of all, we celebrate his message of loving to read and fostering that love in each child.  Pictured here are Ms. Greenburg's 3rd gr and Ms. Tanner's Kindergarten classes showing some Dr. Seuss spirit!

Interested in becoming a student storyteller?

Submitted by alison.hansen on

From the Storytelling Festival:  Youth storytellers have been part of the Timpanogos Storytelling Festival for twenty-five years.  We believe they bring a vibrant presence to stages at the event.  Open youth auditions will be held at the Orem Public Library on Thursday, March 16.  Anyone interested in scheduling can email me at ewilcox [at] (ewilcox[at]timpfest[dot]org) or call the Timpanogos Storytelling Institute office at 228-7384.  The deadline to sign up for an audition is 5:00 pm on Monday, March 13.

During the first audition round, students will be asked to present a two minute portion of their full story.  Finalists will be invited back to the call-back auditions the following week.  If they are invited back to the finals, youth will tell the full version of their story, which can be 3-9 minutes long.  All participants will be judged on performance skills such as poise, voice expression, eye contact, and body language.  Please click here to see a description of the rubric the judges will be using to evaluate the stories.  If your school is outside of the Wasatch Front, we can also accept electronic entries.  Please contact me for more information.

Kindergarten Registration

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Kindergarten registration is held Thurs, Mar 16, from 8 am-4 pm.  This date is the same for all Springville/Mapleton area schools - please help us spread the word!  Students can enter kindergarten if they are 5 years old on or by Sept 1 of the school year they begin.  Parents should bring the child's birth certificate, immunizations so far, and proof of residency.  We look forward to seeing you!

A Visit from Clark Planetarium

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creek enjoyed and awesome science show brought to the school from Clark Planetarium. A student loved the way they changed the color of flames. Another liked that they shot a pencil through a piece of plywood. All students came back to class exited about science.