Sage Creek Rocks Science Fair!

Submitted by alison.hansen on

Sage Creek had an awesome Science & Engineering Fair last week!  Students in 4th, 5th, and 6th gr all performed an experiment and displayed their results for all to see.  Several students progressed on to the district fair and will continue on to the BYU Science & Engineering Fair in March.  Way to go Sage Creek Dragons!  Pictured here are our 5th and 6th gr students who represented us at the district fair:  Addilyn Orndorff, Nathan Golding, Brandon McDonald, Mason Hiatt, Kelsie Reed, Kirsten Harrop, Logan Pendleton, Max Warren, Brightin Davis, Isaac Ruiz, Ella Jackman, Vanessa Wong, and Abbie Folkman. 

Sage Creek Teacher of the Week

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Ginny Lund is a 2nd grade teacher at Sage Creek Elementary.  Her favorite subject to teach is reading, writing and music.  When asked about a funny teaching moment she has had she said she was speaking with a 5th grade student and asked “Where were you born” the student responded with “I don’t know” I said “Could you ask your mom” student said “I don’t think she was there!”   Ginny loves to plant and care for her perennial gardens and also enjoy reading.  Ginny is a pleasure to teach with and a positive influence at Sage Creek Elementary.


Science Fair at Sage Creek

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

This week students have had the opportunity to share some incredible science fair projects in the 4th, 5th and 6th grades. Eight students from the 5th and 6th grades get to take their projects to the district science fair next week. We wish them good luck!

Sage Creek Teacher of the Week

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Ann  Chen is a 2nd grade teacher at Sage Creek Elementary.  She has taught 2nd grade for three years.  She graduated from Chaoyang Unviversity of Technology.  Her favorite subject to teach is Mandarin Chinese.   Ann collects earrings and wears a different pair every day.   She only likes to drive in Utah, not Taiwan and she loves to travel.  We are happy she is with us at Sage Creek Elementary.