During the first few weeks of art, students worked on sketchbooks, mini masterpieces for the tiny art gallery, and drew small portraits for the schoolwide collaborative mural .
Kindergartners explored a variety of lines and learned that a sculpture is art as they created their paper line sculptures.
”Involvement of students in arts and music programs has been shown to increase academic achievement (Bamford, 2006; Catterall, Chapleau & Iwanaga, 1999 and Wetter, Koerner, Schwaninger, 2009), IQ (Schellenberg, 2006), attendance (Dreezen, Aprill & Deasy, 1999), attitude to attendance (Uptis & Smithrim, 2003), performance on standardized reading and verbal tests (Butzlaff, 2001), verbal skills (Hetland & Winner, 2001), reading for pleasure (Uptis & Smithrim, 2003) and literacy (Bamford, 2006; Hunter, 2005 and Spillane, 2009).
Taken from- https://eprints.qut.edu.au/215203/1/69164.pdf