Sage Creek Families and Patrons
First off, I cannot tell you how excited I am to be working in this amazing community! A few years ago I was fortunate enough to spend some time at Sage Creek as an administrative intern and fell in love with this school and the people who fill it up, so you can imagine my excitement when I found out about this job assignment.
I have spent the last few weeks working very closely with Mr. Johnson in an effort to obtain all of the vast knowledge that he has. He is an amazing Principal and I know that Sage Creek will miss him tremendously.
I wanted to formally introduce myself, share with you some of my core values of education, and what you can expect from me as a Principal. My husband and I grew up going to Nebo schools, and have loved every minute of it. We have three amazing children who light up our lives. I earned my bachelor’s degree in Elementary Education from Utah Valley University and my master’s degree in Education Administration from Southern Utah University.
For the past 11 years I have worked in Nebo School District as a facilitator and mentor at Spring Lake Elementary, Dean of Students at Spring Canyon Middle School, and teacher at Maple Ridge, Sierra Bonita, and Brockbank Elementary Schools.
I believe that school is a place where students should feel valued, trusted, and successful. In order for these things to happen the school environment needs to be safe, welcoming and inviting to all who enter. Each employee at the school holds a responsibility to help each individual feel respected and needed, and plays a vital role in making school a great place to be.
Being a mom of three beautiful children has given me great perspective on the bigger picture and the importance of a positive school environment. School really is a home away from home! I know that by working together, we will see great things happen.
I am truly honored to be working with you and your children, it’s a great day to be a dragon!
Angela Youd