Mandarin Monday

Submitted by shavon.mousser on
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year
Chinese New Year

We celebrated the Chinese Lunar New Year on Friday, January 20th!  Students shared red, ornate envelopes with one another.  The color red symbolizes energy and good luck!  This is the year of the Rabbit.  DLI students taught our traditional students to say, "Happy New Year" (xin nian quai le) or '年年有余,岁岁平安', which means "May you always get more than you wish for and may you start safe and sound all year round", in Mandarin.  Many students and teachers also wore traditional Chinese dress.  Happy Chinese New Year!

Shavon Mousser