A Visit From China

Submitted by diana.guinn on
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Sage Creek Elementary School students felt a little closer to their Chinese counterparts as Chinese students traveled around the world to meet the Sage Creek Dragons on Monday, February 6, 2012.  Under the direction of community member Ann Haupt and with the help of Clair Taylor, a member of our school community council, twelve students from a high school in Bejing included a stop at Sage Creek to perform some traditional skills in music an dance during their tour of the western United States.  The Chinese students also combined their voices with ours to sing the traditional Chinese song,  Mo Li Hua , then spent time in each classroom answering questions from our students as well as demonstrating how to write words in Chinese.    Despite the distance between us this visit helped to remind us, that we’re not really so different from one another after all. (Please remember applications (not the interest only papers) for the first grade Chinese Dual Immersion Program  2012-2013 are due February 22nd. They can be picked up in the office.)