Teacher Facts

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Mrs. Prestwich is the teacher in the spotlight!!

She teaches second grade and is a third year teacher.

Some interesting “get to know you facts” are below:

1. She love love’s love’s ice cream. It is a staple at her house. Ice cream and chocolate milk.

2. She is not a very sporty person, but does enjoy watching BYU sports and a good Angels baseball game

3. She visits the public library at least once a week.

4. Her favorite TV show is Once Upon a Time

5. She is a big country music fan, and is excited to Tennessee next year.

6. She loves cooking and finds new recipes on Pinterest. Maybe Pinterest should be its own interesting fact because she likes that a lot too...

7. She is a California girl which means she loves the beach, the ocean, warm sunny weather and listening to the Beach Boys!

8.She is a BYU graduate!

We are happy to have her as a teacher her at Sage Creek.

Mrs. Burr gets the Millions Place Chair!

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

The fourth-grade has been building a place value line using chairs to represent places.  The goal is to get to the million dollar chair.  The reward when they get to the million dollar chair is to have the Principal come and read them a story sitting in this special chair. The children treated her as a queen and rolled her back to her office when she was through.  Congratulations fourth-grade!! Keep up the great work.


Teddy Bear Day

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Mrs. Beesley's class had Teddy Bear Day. Students brought their bears to school. While they were here they heard stories, helped with math, and were sorted in a variety of ways.

Visitors from China

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Vistors from the Ministry of China came to Sage Creek Elementary to visit and see the Chinese Immersion program. While here they visited several other classes to see what English Education is like.

Second Grade, Where are you Wednesday?

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

The second graders from Sage Creek visited Mrs. Alona Huffaker, of Springville.  While there, they learned about apple trees, and how apples grow.  Mrs. Huffaker gave the children a tour around her huge yard, showing them a variety of fruit trees, grape vines and a garden full of vegetables and flowers.  Mrs. Huffaker gave each child a shiny, red apple.  The children will do a variety of "apple math" activities tomorrow, and then they will eat their delicious, home-grown apples.

Image removed.
Ginny Lund

Carnival Fun

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

A great time was had by all at the Sage Creek Elementary Carnival.  Special thanks goes out to the Springville High School Cheer Leaders, Springville High School Football Players, the community sponsors and all the volunteers who helped make this a success. There are several pictures attached.  Make sure you see them all.