Dance Festival at Sage Creek

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Sage Creek Elementary held their annual Dance Festival today. All grade levels put in several hours of practice to perform for their parents and classmates. One of the hits of the day was when the sixth grade danced to What Does the Fox Say. Find more pictures on our facebook page.

Sage Creek Talent Show

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Student's at Sage Creek Elementary showed incredible talent at their talent show. Student's played the piano, skated boarded, sang and danced for their peers. More pictures are on our  facebook page.

Sage Creek Teacher of the Year – Michelle Egbert

Submitted by anthony.bowden on

Michelle is one of the finest teachers that I have witnessed in my twenty-five year career. She is an expert in classroom management and instruction. Her class is a family that supports each other in learning. Students each have a job and feel a valued member of the class. Michelle is a passionate advocate for student learning, a dedicated teacher with a phenomenal record of high test scores, individual growth scores, and more importantly, engaged and happy students.Image removed.